Entering the final year of high school in a new school and potentially a new system of education is a big step. The process of strategizing and applying to universities is a long process that typically begins early in high school. In our school, by the time students are starting the final year, they are well into the university placement process. To that end, it is imperative that the student’s expectations and objectives are clear for us. It is also important to understand potential restrictions and limitations. We work closely with all of our students to find the best “fit” for each individual. The best fit considers budget, academics, and athletics (if applicable) among other intangibles. We seek the best next step in each student’s journey. This is different for each and every student. This portion of the application is mandatory for anyone applying for admission to 12 th grade.
Which countries does the student plan to apply to for university (list the top three in order of preference)?
Students graduate from ES American School with an American High School Diploma. Please research the entry qualifications accordingly. Many EU & UK universities will have requirements BEYOND the American High School Diploma—they may require SAT and/or AP exams scores in specific subjects, depending on what the student plans to study.
If Spain is one of the choices, note that the student will need previous studies homologated by the Spanish Department of Education. If admitted, the student will be informed of the process.
If the student is planning to apply to the US and many other systems, letters of recommendation are required. Because university admissions typically take place in the first months of the 12th grade year, it may be difficult for our teachers to know the student well enough to provide an in-depth letter of recommendation.
Please indicate the past schools the student has attended
Please provide scanned copies of the official certified final transcripts of the student's academic work of the last three years. Eventually, these transcripts must be received directly from the school, by email or originals by post in a sealed envelope. Parents may at this stage advance unofficial copies to speed the evaluation process. Nevertheless, official transcripts must eventually be received directly from the schools. The official transcripts will be used to confirm the student's academic level in our school. Please provide an official translation into English when applicable. A student's admission will NOT be confirmed without school transcripts.
The Physical Education Program is mandatory for all students not registered in a tennis program of the Emilio Sanchez Academy or a water polo program of BIWPA. It is included in the curriculum of the Elementary School Program.